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Revenue Sharing Mechanism: $YoZi token holders can earn dividends from the income generated by the protocol. This income can come from platform transaction fees, commissions from NFT sales, or other revenue channels.
Staking Rewards: Introducing a staking mechanism that allows $YoZi token holders to lock their tokens on the platform in exchange for rewards. These rewards can be in the form of additional $YoZi tokens, special access privileges, or early participation opportunities in new projects.
Long-Term Locking Incentives: To encourage long-term holding and stability, additional incentives can be provided to users who choose to lock their $YoZi tokens for an extended period. These incentives may include higher income distribution ratios or special governance rights.
Governance Functionality: $YoZi tokens can also serve as governance tokens, allowing holders to participate in the critical decision-making processes of the platform, such as voting on the acceptance of new projects, protocol updates, or income distribution strategies.
Protocol Participation Incentives: By participating in specific platform activities or projects, $YoZi token holders can earn additional token rewards or other benefits.